
Bumble Bee

Animal – Bumble Bee

The Bumble bee has black and yellow stripes all over its fat body. The Bumble Bee only stings when being handled or guarding its nest. So don’t touch a bumble bee!  Bumble Bees usually live in colonies and are very social insects. The queen of the colony is the only one in the colony who lives through the winter. In the spring the queen starts a new colony then the next winter she dies.The enemies of the bumble bee are some types of beetles, flies, ants, mites, wasps, and humans. There are three different types of bumble bees, the queen, the worker, and the drone. The queen’s job is to produce more bees. The drone’s job is to mate with the queen and the workers job is to pollinate. The bumble bee has a long tongue that helps them reach the nectar deep in the flower.The bumble bee lives in most countries. Even though they are very helpful to farmers, farmers use poison to kill pests but along with the pests the poison kills lots of bumble bees. Bumble Bees usually like to hang around by veronicas.

-Anna S.